
  • definition

  • Namespace

  • Variable types

Programming With Python

Programming: a way to ask computer to store values (variables), and do things with them (operations).`

# This is a comment. You can write a comment by using a `#`
my_variable = 12 

my_other_variable = 13 # Comments can be 'inline', like this one

Defining Variables

In programming, variables are things that store values. Variables are defined with name = value.
my_var = 1  # `my_var` is a variable

# This defines another variable
other_var = 'variables are cool'
# once you create a variable it's stored in your namespace
'variables are cool'

Code Variables != Math Variables

In mathematics: = refers to equality (as a statement of truth).

In coding: = refers to assignment.

Math: What is x?

\(y = 10x + 2\)

Code: What is x?

x = x + 1

Clicker Question #3

After executing the following code, what will be the value of my_var?

my_var = 2 

my_var = my_var + 1

  • A) 2

  • B) 3

  • C) “my_var + 1”

  • D) This code will fail

Clicker Question #4

After executing the following code, what will be the value of diff_var?

diff_var = my_variabel - my_var

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-bb09d72de1d8> in <module>()
----> 1 diff_var = my_variabel - my_var
      3 print(diff_var)

NameError: name 'my_variabel' is not defined
  • A) 4

  • B) 9

  • C) “my_variable - my_var”

  • D) This code will fail

Assignment Notes

  • In programming = means assignment

  • There can be more than one assignment in a single line

  • Anything to the right of the = is evaluated before assignment

    • This process proceeds from right to left

Declaring Variables Cheat Sheet

  • Names are always on the left of the =, values are always on the right

  • Names are case sensitive

  • Variables must start with letters (or underscores)

    • After that, they can include numbers

    • They cannot include special characters (like &, *, #, etc)

  • Python doesn’t care what you name your variables

    • Humans do care. Pick names that describe the data / value that they store

Reserved Words

There are 33 words that are not allowed to be used for variable assignment in Python 3.6.

False None True and as assert break
class continue def del elif else except
finally for from global if import in
is lambda nonlocal not or pass raise
return try while with yield
# you will get an error if you try to assign a variable to one of these words
try = 6
  File "<ipython-input-17-1c44ba76d8f9>", line 2
    try = 6
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


The kernel is the thing that executes your code. It is what connects the notebook (as you see it) with the part of your computer that runs code.

Your kernel also stores your namespace - all the variables and code that you have declared (executed).

It can be useful to clear and re-launch the kernel. You can do this from the ‘kernel’ drop down menu, at the top, optionally also clearing all ouputs. Note that this will erase any variables that are stored in memory.


The namespace is the 'place' where all your currently defined code is declared - all the things you have stored in active memory.
# You can list everything declared in the namespace with '%whos'
Variable            Type    Data/Info
a                   str     string
diff_var            int     9
my_other_variable   int     13
my_var              int     3
my_variable         int     12
other_var           str     variables are cool

Variable Types

Every variable has a type, which refers to the kind of variable that it is, and how the computer stores that data.
# Declare a variable
variable_name = 1

# You can always ask Python 'what type is this variable' using:


Integers store whole numbers.
my_integer = 1
another_integer = 321
# integers can be signed
yet_another_integer = -4


Floats store signed, decimal-point numbers.
my_float = 1.0
another_float = -231.45


Strings store characters, as text.
my_string = 'words, words, words'
another_string = 'more words'

# Note that strings can be defined with either '' or ""
and_another = "and some more"
and some more

Quotation Marks

About those quotation marks…

my_string = 'This is a single-quoted string.'
'This is a single-quoted string.'
my_string = "This is a double-quoted string."
'This is a double-quoted string.'

Note that Python will put single quotes around it, even if you specify double quotes.

A general principle is to pick something and be consistent. In this course, I’ll do my best to only use single quotes.

Aside: What if you want to print a quotation mark?

  • use double quotes outside with apostraphe inside quotes

  • use an escape \ (backslash) before charater

# double quotes on outside; single quote inside
my_string = "i wan't to see a quote."
"i wan't to see a quote."
# backslash to "escape" quotation mark
string_quote = "And she said, \"Please teach me Python!\""
'And she said, "Please teach me Python!"'


Booleans store `True` or `False`.
my_bool = True
another_bool = False


`None` is a special type that stores `None`, used to denote a null or empty value.
the_concept_of_nothing = None

Clicker Question #5

After executing the following code, what will the type of var_a be?

var_a = -17.5
  • A) String

  • B) Int

  • C) Float

  • D) Boolean

  • E) None

Clicker Question #6

After executing the following code, what will the type of var_b be?

var_b = '-17.5'
  • A) String

  • B) Int

  • C) Float

  • D) Boolean

  • E) None

Clicker Question #7

After executing the following code, what will the type of the variable m be?

n = 1
a = 'm'
m = n
  • A) String

  • B) Int

  • C) Float

  • D) Boolean

  • E) None


Variables are names assigned to a value. Values can have more than one name.
# Make a variable, and an alias
a = 1
b = a

Here, the value 1 is assigned to the variable a.

We then make an alias of a and store that in the variable b.

Now, the same value (1) is stored in both a (the original) and b (the alias).


  • Multiple variables can relate to the same value(s)

Mutable vs Immutable

The variable types we’ve talked about today are all immutable. This means they cannot be altered after they’re created.

immutable_string = 'COGS18 is the best!'
# cannot change part of the string after creation
immutable_string[4] = '0'
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-42af1508f9b7> in <module>()
      1 # cannot change part of the string after creation
----> 2 immutable_string[4] = '0'

TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

Python does have mutable types. We’ll talk about these later in the course, and these are where aliasing shines!


Just a brief word on indentation.

Python does care about whitespace.

You will get an error if Python runs into unanticipated whitespace.

a = 1
    b = a
  File "<ipython-input-43-cf6c464af4da>", line 4
IndentationError: unexpected indent

There are times when indentation will be required and expected. We’ll discuss these in future lectures.