
  • readability

  • comments

  • documentation

Code Readability

“Code is more often read than written” - Guido van Rossum

So: code should be written to be readable by humans.

Note: one of those humans is future you.

Writing Readable Code

So how do we write good code for humans?

  • Use good structure

  • Use good naming

  • Use code comments and include documentation

Good Structure

If you design your program using separate functions for each task, avoid copying + pasting (functions and loops instead), and consider structure beforehand, you’ll be set up for success

Good Naming

Clear names are for humans. The computer doesn’t care, but you and others reading your code do.

Code comments & Documentation

Helpful comments and documentation take your code to the next level. The final piece in the trifecta of readable code!

Good code has good documentation - but code documentation should not be used to try and fix unclear names, or bad structure.

Rather, comments should add any additional context and information that helps explain what the code is, how it works, and why it works that way.

These will all be components of your final project grade.

Clicker Question #1

What does the following code do?

def ff(jj):
    oo = list(); jj = list(jj) 
    for ii in jj: oo.append(str(ord(ii)))
    return '+'.join(oo)
ff('Hello World.')
  • A) Returns unicode code points, as a list

  • B) Encodes a string as a cypher, returning a string of alphabetical characters

  • C) Returns unicode code points, as a string

  • D) Encodes inputs alphabetical characters, returned as a list

  • E) This code will fail

Improvement Considerations:

  • Structural considerations: indentations & spacing

  • Improved naming: functions & variables

  • Add Comments within code

# let's improve...
def return_unicode(input_list):
    string = list()
    input_list = list(input_list)
    for character in input_list: 
    output_string = '+'.join(string)
    return output_string

return_unicode('Hello World.')
  • A) Returns unicode code points, as a list

  • B) Encodes a string as a cypher, returning a string of alphabetical characters

  • C) Returns unicode code points, as a string

  • D) Encodes inputs alphabetical characters, returned as a list

  • E) This code will fail

Improvement Considerations:

  • Structural considerations: indentations & spacing

  • Improved naming: functions & variables

  • Add Comments within code

  • Proper Documentation!

# Let's fix this code!
def convert_to_unicode(input_string):
    """Converts an input string into a string containing the unicode code points.
    input_string : string
        String to convert to code points
    output_string : string
        String containing the code points for the input string.
    output = list()
    # Converting a string to a list, to split up the characters of the string
    input_list = list(input_string)
    for character in input_list:   
        temp = ord(character)

    output_string = '+'.join(output)
    return output_string

Code Documentation

Code documentation is text that accompanies and/or is embedded within a software project, that explains what the code is and how to use it.

Stuff written for humans in human language to help the humans.

Code Comments vs. Documentation


Comments are string literals written directly in the code, typically directed at developers - people reading and potentially writing the code.


Documentation are descriptions and guides written for code users.

Inline Comments

Code comments should use #, and be written at the same indentation level of the code it describes.

How to use comments:

  • Generally:

    • focus on the how and why, over literal ‘what is the code’

    • explain any context needed to understand the task at hand

    • give a broad overview of what approach you are taking to perform the task

    • if you’re using any unusual approaches, explain what they are, and why you’re using them

  • Comments need to be maintained - make sure to keep them up to date

Bad Comments

# This is a loop that iterates over elements in a list
for element in list_of_elements:

Good Comments

# Because of X, we will use approach Y to do Z
for element in list_of_elements:
    # comment for code block


Docstrings are in-code text that describe modules, classes and functions. They describe the operation of the code.

Numpy style docs

Numpy style docs are a particular specification for docstrings.

Example Docstring

def add(num1, num2):
    """Add two numbers together. 
    num1 : int or float
        The first number, to be added. 
    num2 : int or float
        The second number, to be added.
    answer : float
        The result of the addition. 
    answer = num1 + num2
    return answer


  • multi-line string that describes what’s going on

  • starts and ends with triple quotes """

  • one sentence overview at the top - the task/goal of function

  • Parameters : description of function arguments, keywords & respective types

  • Returns : explanation of returned values and their types

Docstrings are available to you outside of the source code.

Docstrings are available through the code

# The `help` function prints out the `docstring` 
# of an object (module, function, class)
Help on function add in module __main__:

add(num1, num2)
    Add two numbers together. 
    num1 : int or float
        The first number, to be added. 
    num2 : int or float
        The second number, to be added.
    answer : float
        The result of the addition.


# Docstrings get stored as the `__doc__` attribute
# can also be accessed from there
Add two numbers together. 
    num1 : int or float
        The first number, to be added. 
    num2 : int or float
        The second number, to be added.
    answer : float
        The result of the addition. 

Clicker Question #2

What should be included in a docstring?

  1. Input arguments and their types

  2. A brief overview sentence about the code

  3. A copy of the def line

  4. Returned variables and their types

  5. A step by step description of the procedure used in the code

  • A) 1, 4

  • B) 2, 3, 5

  • C) 3, 5

  • D) 1, 2, 4

  • E) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Projects & Documentation

Do all of my functions need numpy documentation?

  1. Your original code definitely needs numpy docstrings

  2. It’s best if all your main functions have docstrings

    • If you include functions from an assignment, document them

    • If you write a teeny tiny function to accomplish a sumer small task, no need to document

Documentation for a Software Project

Documentation Files:

  • A README is a file that provides an overview of the project to potential users and developers

  • A LICENSE file specifies the license under which the code is available (the terms of use)

  • An API Reference is a collection of the docstrings, listing public interfaces, parameters and return values

  • Tutorials and/or Examples show examples and tutorials for using the codebase

Documentation Sites

Documentation sites are a host of a package's documentation, for code users.

Example: Function Documentation

numpy.array :

Example: Package Documentation

scikit learn (sklearn) :